Guest Information
Stone Eagle Golf Club is a private golf club. As a guest of a member, we are delighted to welcome you and hope you enjoy your visit. The Club works hard to preserve its rich traditions; in order to make your visit as pleasurable as possible, please note a few important guidelines for your visit to Stone Eagle.
Check-In Policy:
Upon arrival, all guests must check in with our security staff at the front gate. Guests are strongly encouraged to use the valet service located at the bag drop near the golf shop entrance. There you will check-in with our helpful golf services team who will assist you with your golf clubs and direct you to the golf shop and locker room.
Locker Room:
As a guest you are welcome to utilize our Men's and Women's Locker Rooms. The service staff will assist you with locker assignments and shoe service for the day. Please note: shoes may not be changed in the parking lot or valet.
Dress Code:
Stone Eagle maintains strict policies on dress code.
For Men: slacks, pants, khakis, or Bermuda-length shorts are permitted. An acceptable shirt must have a collar, a traditional fold-down, a raised crew-neck, or mock turtleneck that clearly differentiates from a T-shirt. Denim is not permitted.
For Women: dresses, skirts, Bermuda-length shorts, skorts, capris and slacks are acceptable attire for wear on the golf course, driving range, locker room and restaurant. The limit for shorts and skirts will be no shorter than eight inches above the middle of the back of the knee. Short shorts, halter tops, athletic, and swimming attire are prohibited.

Stone Eagle has a no-smoking policy in all Club facilities. This includes the golf shop, locker rooms, driving range and restaurant.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices:
While limited use of cell phones and other electronic devices is permitted with the utmost discretion, their use is discouraged in consideration of others. Ringers must be placed on silent.
Pace of Play:
All golfers are required to complete their round in 4 hours or less. Groups not playing in an acceptable pace may be asked to allow groups to play through or asked to skip holes to regain proper position on the course.
Practice Facilities:
Guests are welcome to use the driving range, short game area and practice putting greens prior to their round.
Stone Eagle assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property loss or damage resulting from the act of any member or guest while within the Club's building or grounds. The sponsoring member shall be responsible for all guest conduct.